Summer League registration opens April 22

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The time is here! Summer League registration opens on April 22, and all the info you need to sign up is listed below.

Unfotunately, due to limits on the field space at SUNY Purchase, we are unable to offer an Open League this year; both Draft and Rec Leagues will consist of 6 teams.

Summer League Registration:

  • Early Bird registration opens on Monday, April 24 at 8 pm
  • General registration opens the following night, Tuesday, April 25 at 8 pm

Summer League Dates and Pricing:

  • CoEd Draft: $170
    Mon/Wed, May 24-August 9 (playoffs on August 7 and 9)
  • Rec: $115
    Thu, May 25-August 11 (playoffs on August 4 and 11)
  • Cost for both leagues: $230

You can register directly on the site by clicking here and navigating to the REGISTRATION tab at the top of the page (be sure to log into your WUDI account first).

Any questions about Summer League or the registration process can be sent to theboard at wudi dot org.

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