Board Election results are in!

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The board election finished up last week, and in a very tight race, Liz Guerrera was elected as the new WUDi At-Large Member, replacing Craig Lowell, while Chris Novielli was elected the new Executive Director and will take over for Brian Lowell at the end of the year.

With the new members in place, your 2024 WUDi Board looks like this:

  • Chris Novielli, Executive Director
  • Cassandra Schaffa, Secretary
  • Louis Marino, Treasurer
  • Karen Chalif, At-Large Member
  • Liz Guerrera, At-Large Member

On behalf of the entire board and the larger WUDi community, we'd like to thank Brian and Craig for their hard work and dedication to the league over the past several years in their respective roles, as well as all of the candidates who threw their hats into the ring during this election season. We will hope to make good use of their continuing efforts to improve the league as we carve out new roles and volunteer opportunities in the coming months.

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