Summer League Rules

Westchester Summer League follows the 12th Edition of the USA Ultimate Official Rulebook for a standard ultimate game, with the following modifications:

Additional Rules:

Time Cap Rules

The timecap each night will go into effect 5 minutes prior to the "official" sunset**. Cap times will be listed on the game schedule and are the responsibility of captains to enforce.

When the cap goes into effect, after the current point ends, take the higher of the 2 current scores and add 2 points. The first team to reach the "capped" score wins the game. It is not required to win by two.

If play is still going 10 minutes after cap, the current point being played is the final point. (A point has not started and is not considered "in play" until the disc has been pulled.) If there is a 1 point difference, and the team that was behind scores, then 1 additional point will be played. If the difference in score is 2 points or more at the second horn, the game is over right then and there. Teams may choose to finish the point, but it is not necessary. Please be careful, as the second horn will mean it is pretty dark, and we want to avoid injuries.

** At times, a cap may be called prior to 5 minutes before the actual sunset. This is for overcast/cloudy days when it may be too dark to play much beyond the sunset.

There are no timeouts in the soft or hard caps.

No Foot Blocks Rule
Starting Times \ Assessing Points
Violence Policy
Coed Gender - Ratio Policy
Lightning Policy
WUDi© 2025
