COVID-19 Updates

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For the last year, the Board, Advisors, and League Coordinators have been closely monitoring the progression of COVID-19. Each season we hoped to open up registration, and each season we decided the risk was too high. But with infection rates on the decline and vaccinations widely available, that risk is finally manageable and the Board believes we can run Summer League safely with the right precautions and adjustments.


Listed below are the league adjustments, safety protocols, and response plan in place for this summer. Each decision we have made has taken into account CDC, USAU, DiscNY, SUNY Purchase, and NY State guidelines and requirements. We will continue to monitor infection rates and guidance from these entities throughout the summer, and will update our protocols accordingly. Though things may run a little differently than we’re all used to, we hope you'll be as thrilled as we are to get back on the field in the safest way possible.


We thank all our members for your cooperation and heightened vigilance this summer, and greatly appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through organizing a league in these unprecedented times. 


League Changes

  • Co-Ed and Open League will be scheduled so that teams play the same opponent on Mondays and Wednesdays each week

  • There will be no Grill Nights and individuals are discourage from hanging out after games

  • There will be no weekend Finals. Instead, Finals will be spread over the last two week nights of play


COVID Safety Plan

  • All players should make sure they do not screen positive for any of the following questions:

    • In the last 14 days have you had any of the following symptoms: fever (temp greater than 100F), chills, cough, persistent diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nasal congestion, or runny nose. 

    • In the last 14 days have you, or anyone in close contact with you, been diagnosed with COVID19.

    • If the answer to any of these questions is yes then the player should not play. 

  • All players will wear masks at all times. Neck gaiters, bandanas, clear plastic masks, and masks with one way valves are NOT acceptable masks. 

  • All players must try to maintain social distancing as much as possible when not on the field.

  • All players will have temperature screenings before entering the fields. Any player whose temperature is greater than 100F will not be allowed to play.

  • When drinking water, players should step 6 feet away from others.

  • After every 4 goals a new disinfected disc will be put into play.

  • There will be wipes at each end zone to wipe a disc down after every point.

  • There will be no post game handshakes.

  • There will be no close huddles or chants.


COVID Trace & Test Plan

Any player who has tested positive for COVID-19 must notify the Board immediately.

  • Upon notification of a positive case, the Board will identify players who may have had close contact based on game schedules, attendance records, and carpool information as provided by the individual who tested positive

  • The Board will notify the entire league that a player has tested positive and that players who may have had close contact with this player will be notified individually

  • Players who have been identified as having had close contact will be required to do one of the following:

    • Acquire a COVID-19 PCR test and present negative results to the Board prior to their next game

    • Present proof of full vaccination

    • Quarantine for 10 days

  • Anyone who tests positive will be required to isolate for 10 days

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