Winter League sign-ups are here

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Following the conclusion of Fall League, we're now eagerly awaiting the kick-off for Winter League!

A couple key things to keep in mind for this indoor session:

  • As in Fall League, games are played on Thursday nights at Chelsea Piers in Stamford, CT starting at 9 p.m.
  • The league will run for 12 weeks from January 6 through March 24
  • Registration costs $185 for the 12 weeks of play
  • We hope to be able to avoid the pod format that we used for Fall League, but that depends on the gender ratio of our registered players. If we are unable to get enough womxn to fill 8 teams, we will likely have to create another hybrid mixed/open format using pods, or switch to a 4:1 gender ratio (mixed games are traditionally 3:2)
  • WUDI has a strict vaccine mandate. All players will be required to have a complete vaccine regimen (including booster shots if eligibile)
  • Mask policy will be contingent on the local government guidelines. As of December 22, the city of Stamford has reinstituted a mandatory indoor mask mandate, meaning WUDI will require masks for as long as it in place. Once all government or facility mandates are lifted, masks will be optional.

You can sign up HERE after logging in using your WUDI account credentials.

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