Winter League postponed until Jan. 27, Registration Extended

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Due to the ongoing surge in COVID cases in the region and around the country, the WUDI Board has decided to push the start date of Winter League, which was scheduled to begin on January 6, back three weeks. That makes the new start date January 27.


As a result of this change, the league will now be running through Fool's Fest on April 1-3, so there will be no games on March 31. This means that, with the skipped week, the 12-week league will now conclude on April 21


Given the postponement, we have decided to keep registration open through January 20 as well. You can still register on the league page after logging in.


Update to Mask Policy:

The City of Stamford has reinstituted a mask mandate for all indoor facilities, which means that masks will be required for Winter League as of now. The league will continue to follow any government policies on this issue throughout the season.

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