Fall League registration now open!

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WUDI indoor Winter League at Chelsea Piers CT in Stamford is back!


The league will run for 10 weeks on Thursdays from 8:45 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., starting on October 5 and ending on December 14 (no games on November 23 for Thanksgiving).



$160 for 10 weeks of play



Stringent baggage rules allow us to run a smoother draft and create balanced teams. Baggage is limited to couples and captain pairs, and all baggage is subject to WUDi Board approval.


USAU membership:

As with other WUDi leagues, all participants must be USAU members. You must have a current 2022 waiver completed online. Because of WUDi's affiliation with DiscNY, you have the option of selecting the much cheaper "affiliate membership" for $18 when you sign up for USAU membership. This will allow you to play any WUDi or DiscNY leagues or events for the remainder of 2023, but nothing else. You may also select full adult membership, which allows you to play any USAU sanctioned events for the remainder of 2023.



WUDi Indoor Leagues are restricted to players aged 16+. However, in the interest of player safety, all players aged 16-18 must be approved by the Board to ensure that they have the skill and experience level necessary for the league.

USAU rules also require that every rostered player have an active, paid 2023 USAU membership and signed waiver!! Any player who does not have a 2023 paid membership WITH signed waiver by the close of registration will be dropped from the league. Additionally, any players who wish to stay on the wait list must also have their membership and waiver up to date. Wait listed players will be rostered to allow them to sub at any time and so must have valid memberships.

2023 USAU Memberships and waivers can be paid for and signed as of December 1. Please take the time to do this prior to registration if you are planning to play.


What to expect:

This is some very FAST-PACED ultimate!! We play 5-on-5 on small indoor turf fields. Discs that are caught off the side curtains are in play, but not off the back curtain though. As soon as a team scores, they drop the disc in the end zone and are immediately on defense as the other team picks it up. Subbing takes place on the fly and must be done between the cones at the mid-field "subbing zone" (preferably on offense!). The stall count is only to 7, so the game moves very quickly.

All levels of play are of course welcome, but we want everyone to be forewarned of what they're getting themselves into!


Got questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

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